There are x3 painful stages of 6 figure freelancing that must be followed in the correct order.
This is painfully clear to me now,
But I couldn’t see it because I was too busy!
I worked evenings and weekends,
I tried anything and everything I came across on social,
I tried every new growth hack under the sun.
But now, looking back, I can clearly see that there are x3 stages you need to go through if you want to build a freelance business that prioritizes personal freedom over everything else.
Naturally, I did all of them in reverse order, 😂🤦
So I’ll also share the correct order too …
It’s tempting to skip to the “quick wins”,
More free time, more money etc.
But don’t.
Trust me the first time I made £10k/m I was burned out and miserable.
When I first freed up my time I didn’t know what to do with myself
so I wasted a lot of time trying all sorts of crazy passive income schemes just to occupy my mind.
Big waste of time.
Having lots of free time won’t help you unless you have a clear purpose.
In fact giving someone too much money and free time without purpose is dangerous.
This is why people die within years of retirement.
Money will not make you happier.
Lack of meaningful work is why many successful business owners sell up and fall into depression despite lots of money.
People need something to fill their time.
So start with finding out what you actually want from life.
(Hint: It’s probably not what you expect)
1️⃣ Purpose
How can you make progress on lifestyle design
if you don’t know what progress looks like?
Without a sense of what you want,
You will work very hard but never make progress.
We will figure out what “success” means for you (beyond money targets),
and create a plan to get there.
This is a stable foundation to keep you consistent and focused for years.
Key areas to spend your time on:
▶️ Creating space to think
▶️ Analyse and triage your life
▶️ Define goals, targets and plans
▶️ Create deep work rituals
▶️ Build powerful habits
▶️ Cultivate a free-flowing schedule
▶️ Consistency systems
2️⃣ Leverage (Profit)
Profit is a dirty word.
But anyone who says money isn’t important, already has enough money.
But “enough” is usually less than you think.
Most UK freelancers would be perfectly happy with £5k/m
The problem is most people never realise when enough is enough.
(Yes, I’m talking about that white dude posting pics of himself on a jet ski on Dubai. We all know you’re a broken soul on the inside).
But money IS a safety net:
Once you have “enough” money you have options.
Building profit frees you from working non-stop.
It means you don’t need to work as much,
So you get off the feast and famine rollercoaster,
And spend more time working on the bigger picture.
So let’s fix that and make sure you have enough!
Key areas to spend your time on:
▶️ Offers
▶️ Sales
▶️ Packaging services
▶️ Lead gen
▶️ Lead nurture
▶️ Referrals
▶️ Upsells, crosses, downsells
▶️ pricing tactics
3️⃣ Freedom
Now you’ve worked hard to build a profitable business it’s time to get your free time back,
by systemizing the business.
Most people want to scale and automate too early.
But systems multiply.
If you scale bad inputs you get bad outputs.
In this phase we will scale our profit and free time,
By eliminating, systemising, optimizing, automating and delegating everything we can on our business.
The fundamentals will run on autopilot,
Our time is only spent on high-value tasks.
Key areas to spend your time on:
▶️ Documenting your processes
▶️ Build your systems
▶️ Create templates
▶️ Delegating / outsourcing
▶️ Building automations
▶️ Identify 80/20 actions
▶️ Eliminating unnecessary
So that’s it!
Each step has a whole lotta learning to it,
But hopefully oversimplifying this gives you a roadmap to work to.
If you want to start right now on phase 1 “purpose”,
I’m doing a guided deep dive on lifestyle design in my workshop for freelancers.
I’ll walk you through 6 simple systems you can use right now to redesign your life & build the foundation of a 6 figure freelance business that maximises personal freedom, with exercises and templates.
It’s the same steps I used to turn my sidehustle into a multi 6 figure business I run from my garden on a 3day workweek.
Current Life by Design students get a free spot.
But I’m opening up x5 spots to freelancers in my audience 👇🏻

I'll walk you through 6 systems you can use to build a freelance business which puts life first
Subscribe for instant access to my guided lifestyle design workshop for freelancers.