Over the last few months I’ve been working 1-1 with Ivan.
He’s putting less hours into his freelance motion design business,
yet he’s earning more.
And today I’ll share the same system I taught him to work less and earn more.
I’ve actually been pretty quiet over here…
Since I stopped….
It’s actually been better!
I don’t stress!
What I realised:
When I don’t focus on too many things
I actually earn more money AND have more time!
I’m not putting any pressure on myself.
Just narrow down and go slowly.
– Ivan, Motion by Staki
There’s lots of ways to make more money as a freelancer.
But one of them is much easier than the others…
1️⃣ Work harder.
Chase more work, Get more leads, work with more clients.
This will work at first, but there’s a low ceiling to this.
If you just work harder to grow now,
You’ll be working even harder when you get more clients.
2️⃣ Charge more.
Learn sales
Raise your prices,
increase value or your perceived value,
Speak to better clients with bigger budgets,
3️⃣ Work less
Achieve the same result with less input.
Half the work for the same money = double the profit.
This means you can double your money,
or half your workweek.
So now you know the x3 ways to make more money.
But “Doing Less” is the easiest by far.
I’m not talking about cutting corners.
I’m talking about achieving the same output, with less inputs.
If you can achieve the same result,
with half the time,
You’ve just doubled your profit.
But now you have spare time left over.
So how do we get more done than other freelancers,
Whilst working less?
We start by clawing out a little bit of leverage, by turning your skills into money..
Once you have enough money, then you can free up your time.
Once you have enough time you can start working and living at a higher level.
The first step in this is to build systems to do the work for us.
We automate the business fundamentals
We build leverage, so our inputs have more outputs
If you keep doing things the same way as every other freelancer,
the only way to get MORE
is to work harder.
If you want to build a 6 figure lifestyle business….
without burnout
We need to achieve the same results
with less input
If you want a solo business without burnout
Your most important job
is to design yourself out of the business
This is what I call a lean, leveraged lifestyle business.
So this week, I’ll be sharing how to systemize your freelance business,
optimize processes,
automate your admin,
and avoid overwhelm
I’m giving away a free workshop with a repeatable process you can use to systemize any part of your business.
It’s the same process I used to build a multi 6 figure micro design agency that I run on 24 hours a week.

Want your freelance business to run without you?
Subscribe for instant access to my masterclass on systemising your one person business.
❓ 0:00 Why you can’t scale a solo business without SOPs
🧱 1:10 A system for building systems
🔨 2:40 tools & apps don’t matter
📃 4:20 1 document
⚙️ 5:00 2 Systemize
💠 5:50 3 optimize
📁 6:20 4 template
🤖 7:00 5 automate
👨👩👧👦 7:30 6 delegate
♻️ 8:20 7 review and revise
🥅 8:40 capture your process AND your thinking
📊 9:20 Project management for designers
📈 10:30 Start simple, and add to it
🤯 11:30 Don’t overthink it, your process will change
💥 11:40 Your SOPs are a reusable asset and resource
I’m super proud of everything Ivan’s achieved over the last few months.
If you feel like your one of those frantic freelancers, always jumping from task to task, no time to enjoy your freedom,
Let’s have a chat, there’s lots of ways we can get you off that hamster wheel.