#27 How to turn skills into leverage

Why your most important job right now is building leverage.

  • How to build leverage in your life
  • How to hop off the hamster wheel
  • How to turn your skills into an offer you can sell

A thought experiment:

Imagine two people are told they have to fill a muddy pit with water from a nearby stream to turn it into a pool.

They are told that if they manage to make a pond from the pit they will be free from work for the rest of their life.

They’re also told that if the muddy pit reaches empty, they will be shot.

Sounds harsh?

This is an extreme version of a reality that most modern workers face:

Working to live.
And working for the rest of their life.

These two people are the same in every way.
The only difference is that one is given a thimble and one is given a cup.

This doesn’t sound fair!
But real life isn’t fair…
We all have different starting points and different advantages such as the place we were born. The family we were born into are socioeconomics etc

The two workers scramble to fill the muddy pet but all the water that they put into the pit drains out the bottom.

The worker with the thimble runs at full speed between the stream and the hole, trying to desperately to fill faster than the drainage.

The walker with the cup is able to make a little more progress with each trip,
and fills the pit just enough to buy enough time to run and fetch a larger bucket.

The worker with the thimble continues to work at full speed but is unable to make any further progress,
instead each run filling the hole just enough to keep up with the drainage.
Meanwhile the worker with the bucket has filled his hole and runs to grab a spade.

The worker with the Spade digs himself a drench towards the stream,
in between his runs with the bucket to keep the hole filled with water.

At this point the worker with the thimble has made no more progress than he had at the start.

The worker with the spade has now managed to dug a trench from the stream to the to the pit and watches the pit fill with water from the stream.
He can now sit back and enjoy life without further labor.

Meanwhile the worker with the thimble will be stuck running thimbles of water back and forth for the rest of his life, despite working harder than his luckier counterpart.

Now the lucky worker has choices…
Should he sit about and enjoy life?
Or he could build a waterwheel to supply electricity for the whole village…
I just hope he chooses to fetch his poor colleague a bucket first 🤣

So what is the moral of the story?
That you should use the right tools?
That your luck in life determines your success?
That you should avoid people standing near pits?

Does luck impact your success in a solo business?

Luck almost certainly impacts your success…
or rather, the rate of your success:

Someone with advantages will have a head start.
But we all have different advantages and disadvantages.

There are others far more lucky than me.
I met people who travel in wealthy circles with access to wealthier clients.
I’ve met people with less talent who land a cushy job with a 6 month contract and 3 months paid garden leave.

There’s no point bemoaning your luck our your place in life,
That’s a victim mindset.

I had a great upbringing, a stable home, an education.
All advantages that others don’t have, which moved my starting point forwards.
Just being born in a 1st world country is a huge advantage.

Through my coaching I see many people with far more talent, who work much harder, with many more hardships than me, and yet live a hard life, just because they were born somewhere less prosperous.

So I consider myself extremely lucky.
You just have to work with the tools you’ve got.
You have to just manufacture your own luck.

The moral of the story is not about luck.
The moral of the story is about leverage…

build leverage in a solo business without burnout

Why you need leverage for a solo business

I’m fond of saying money isn’t important.
It isn’t…
After a certain point.

You need enough money that you have a safety net:
a reliable income is a cushion which allows you
freedom to consider your higher purpose and lifestyle.

If you doubled your income tomorrow, you could work half as much.
So now you have free time.
Time which you can use to do things which earn more money.
Things which give you more purpose than just running thimbles of water back and forth.

See the parallel with the pit story?
Grab a claw hold and turn it into a waterwheel.

Your skills = leverage
skills = money = more time to do things which generate money and free time.

If you have leverage, you can carve the life you want.
If you don’t you’ll always be struggling to stay afloat

Freelancers think work harder more, longer, more effort
Solopreneurs think less effort more leverage
Your skills are your tools to buy you more leverage.

Working Harder


Working Smarter


This is where the hustle culture BS gets misunderstood.
Hard choices now for an easier life later.
When Hormozi says “just work harder” he always forgets to add “for a while”

This might mean some uncomfortable truths.
You may need to work evenings and weekends.
You will need to get out of your comfort zone.

In a solo business your are the business.
Personal growth = business growth.

Your personal growth and the skills you learn,
are the lever that allow you to achieve more with less.

This is the difference between career growth vs personal growth…
When you work on yourself & grow your skills for a 9-5,
what do you get?

A 5% raise and 20% more responsibility.

When you work on yourself, and work for yourself,
What do you get?

Double your income every year
Freedom to live the way you want.
Stability and security in your work.

Mastering Skills vs learning the basics

Mastering any skill takes time,
but I find if you focus properly, you can usually learn the broad strokes of most skills pretty quickly.

You don’t need to be the best designer.
You just need to provide the customer with the best experience.
You only need to learn enough to be better at it than your customers.
Then later you can turn your handhold into leverage.

After you have a few skills under your belt,
then you can build a highly profitable business that sells itself.

How to build an offer that sells for a one person business

  1. List your skills
  2. Identify people who your skills can help
  3. Identify painful problems those people have can solve with those skills
  4. Write down all the steps you need to do to solve that problem
  5. If there’s gaps in your skills or process, fill them. Don’t leave it up to the customer
  6. Solving this problem is what you sell now.

I’m covering each step in Life by Design #42 – “Building an offer that sells itself“,
I’ll give you a template framework you can use to identify your ideal customers,
then build and refine your offer in a step by step process:

blog 27 offer worksheet

Struggling to figure out how to turn your skills into value?

Subscribe for instant access to Download my guided offer worksheet.

Subscribe for instant access to Download my guided offer worksheet

💡 Key Insights for solopreneurs

Your most important task right now is to build leverage,
by combining and stacking skills into an offer that is more valuable than any one skill.
If you want help identifying your ideal audience, and building an offer that sells,
you can download my free offer worksheet.

🛎️ Daily reminder for solopreneurs

To build leverage, work on big picture tasks first.

💥 How to take action in the next 5 mins

  1. List your skills,
  2. Identify problems you can solve with those skills,
  3. Download the offer worksheet,
  4. and work through it to build your offer.

😍 Something I'm grateful for this week
Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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Nicholas Robb, Founder of Design Hero, solopreneur and author of Life by Design