Stoicism for solopreneurs

Is balance always positive?

People are always chasing balance.

It’s assumed balance = good, extreme = bad.

An ironic truth:
To achieve great things requires imbalance.

  • Edison obsessively tested 10,000 failures before he invented the light bulb.
  • Van Gogh chopped his own ear off in a fit of artistic delusion
  • Abraham Lincoln attributes his own success to his depression.

Focus, by definition, requires ignoring the unimportant.
But these are the extreme of the extremes.

We don’t need to take such an extreme path through our whole life.
It’s possible to focus on a specific objective, for a defined period of time,
then rebalance in phases to achieve an overall balance.

I often feel at war between two versions of myself:

  • my ambitious self who wants to build something great and lasting
  • my self who wants a simple, unfettered life

I have no wish to live an extreme life.
It’s a spectrum,
and we all must decide for ourselves where we sit on that spectrum,
between greatness and extremity,
or normality and mundane.

🙏🏻 balance in all things.

You can’t have everything. Sometimes focus requires letting other things slide

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

More tips on stoicism for solopreneurs...

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