Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"I am a frustrated freelancer I need help"

Oh wow that’s a lot of problems lol!

❓ Finding paying clients with the skillset I have

❓  finding time and money to expand my skillset
I recommend these articles

❓ how to find them and talk to them in a way that shows them how I can solve their problems

This would be solved by having an offer that speaks to pain points in your ideal audience.
recommend downloading my offer worksheet and working through it:

❓ Consolidating my presence online and creating free content that shows my skillset

Asked by

Picture of Marta


Freelance Motion Designer

Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

More questions and answers for solopreneurs

Want to ask a question about solopreneuring?

Somtimes I get asked stuff about how I run my life and business. If the answer has value to other people, I post it here.

If you have a question, submit it below and I’ll notify you if it’s published.

If I don’t know the answer I’ll ask someone who does.
I hope this is valuable to my audience.

Things people ask about 👉

  • Lifestyle business model
  • Running a solo business
  • Freelancing
  • Design
  • Branding
  • Sales
  • Lead generation
  • Conversion
  • Automation
  • Systems
  • Business policy
  • Mindset
  • Skills

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