Stoicism for solopreneurs

You asked for problems

Last year I said to myself more big projects.
Yet I here am again taking on too big ambitious projects with the garden

I feel stressed to the eyeballs trying to take on this massive task.
I’ve pushed my body past the limits of endurance,
and my mind is juggling like a mofo.

Why do I always push myself so hard?

On the other hand…

I keep saying I want to free up time from work,
so can work on the garden and other personal projects.
Then when I work on personal projects I worry about not having enough time to work on DH!

When I have too little to do I crave a big project.
When I have a big project I crave stability.

These projects are hard,
they push you past breaking point.
But this is where the personal growth happens.

I have realised one of the main reasons I started my own business
was that I got bored with my day job.
I’d reached the cap on my growth in those roles, and needed a new challenge.

People seeking Entrepreneurship often don’t realise they are just bored and seeking new challenges.

They forget this as soon as they hit all the challenges of entrepreneurship.

Keep this in mind when you face problems:

You need this.
You wanted this.
You asked for this.

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

More tips on stoicism for solopreneurs...

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