Stoicism for solopreneurs

How to reclaim Your attention from Big Tech baddies

In the next 10yrs, we’re heading for another dark age…
We’ll regress from capitalism to feudalism,
Yanis Varoufakis suggests in ​Technofeudalism​

Big tech are the new kings
Governments are liege lords
The harvest is our data


We’re the serfs,
forced to labour in exchange for rent.

Netflix CEO said in this quote I find utterly monstrous:

“Our competition is sleep”

They want your attention 24/7,
glued to their apps every second of the day
producing data for harvest,
so they can sell your own desires back to you
in advertising and products you don’t need

Here’s how to ​reclaim your attention​


Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

More tips on stoicism for solopreneurs...

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