Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"how do I set up systems in my business?"

Was nice to meet you!

So at the summit, we were talking about giving your day structure, about getting back free time so you can work ON the business instead of IN the business.

If you have to work longer hours to grow your business,
then you will ALWAYS be working longer hours.
You need to systemize your business to multiply your outputs without putting in more time.

SOPS are the first step to build leverage in a solo business.

Here’s how to systemize your business:

You write down your processes,
Then you improve them,
Then you automate, delegate, or eliminate everything you can do you have more mental space and more free time.

If you want a step by step guide for writing SOPs. Theres a box at the bottom where you can put in your email and you’ll get sent a video walkthrough of how to do it all

Asked by

Picture of Steve


CEO, Crusade kitchens

Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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  • Lifestyle business model
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  • Lead generation
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  • Automation
  • Systems
  • Business policy
  • Mindset
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