Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"Should I charge for everything?"

My basic rule of thumb is:

Will the client make money from it, or save time from it?
Then charge for it.

But l’d also say you have to balance pricing as a freelancer. If it’s something that takes you little extra time, but adds value for your clients, consider throwing it in.
But as a bonus!

Make sure they know what it would normally cost.
I see a lot of freelancers going the extra mile, And no-one even knows how big a deal it is.
It’s likely this “little thing” actually took you years to learn.

But if you want to offer a high ticket service and charge more than your competition you have to get used to giving away the kind of value for free that others are charging for…

Asked by

Picture of Unkown



Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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