Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"I’m feeling discouraged today. How do you deal with self doubt?"

I feel like I don’t have the qualifications. Like I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’ve never worked for a company doing any of the things I offer. I see plenty of people who are successful with less qualification than me, but I also see a lot more. I guess I’m comparing myself. – Alana, webflow designer

As someone who’s burned two degrees, qualifications are overrated!

Best to learn is by doing.
Sometimes that means selling stuff you are not sure how to do yet.
But you’ll figure it out!

It feels uncomfortable and scary, which is never nice but that uncomfortable feeling just means your in the growth zone.
It’s easy to compare yourself to others If your on social media you can’t avoid it.

But remember everyone has their own pace,
And most of the stuff you see on social is the cherry picked highlights anyway.

It’s always hard then you get a little win which gives you the energy to keep at it.

Asked by

Picture of Alana


Webflow designer

Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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