Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"How do I get testimonials from my clients?"

Deliver a really great service. Over-communicate. You don’t need to be the best designer, you just need to offer the best experience.

Most often the best-paid designers are just the best at communicating.

Then set up an automated email journey after a project is complete to request reviews.

I recommend an automated sequence with x3 emails:

  • a nice email – send at the peak point of customer satisfaction, usually immediately after the final deliverable.
  • a polite reminder email – 1 week after the previous.
  • a hurt email – slightly sad, ask if you’ve done anything wrong – 1 to 2 weeks after the above


Bonus tip

At the end of a project always schedule a “debrief” to hand over final assets and ask them questions about how they found your service.

This should be a live video call. be sure to record.
Ask them about the results, how it will help them, how was communication etc.
You can shorten the handoff call into a video testimonial (with permission of course)!

Presto, video testimoinal!

Asked by

Picture of unkown



Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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