Real questions from real freelancers

Freelancer Q&A
"How do I stop other designers undercutting my price?"

You can’t ever fully stop freelancers competing on price

But personally, I don’t think you want to live at the bottom end of the market.

The clients that live at the bottom of the barrel are price driven, needy, and generally not problem aware so need a lot of education and hand-holding too.

If you’re selling the same thing as everyone else,
Then the only way to differentiate is price.

Price is what you pay for it,
value is how much it pays off.

That’s why I don’t care that other designers are cheaper.
In fact I advertise the fact.

Because I don’t sell design I sell results and business growth.

In fact, I encourage them to go elsewhere if price is the key decision factor.

If you want to be free from price comparison,
Package your skills into a result that can’t be compared to the cheaper competition and sell that instead.

Asked by

Picture of David hallengen

David hallengen

Freelance illustrator

Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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