Stoicism for solopreneurs

Don’t consume, create

Building in public changes you:

Society wants you to be a consumer:
Consumer goods and consume content.

Only 1% of internet users are creating content. The rest are consuming.
1% are influencing, the other 99% being influecned.
Which side do you want to be on?

When you start adding value instead of taking away,
it changes your mindset
it changes who you are
it moves you from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

Instead of hoarding and paygating your skills
You want to share your creations because they can help.

Be a creator not a consumer

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

More tips on stoicism for solopreneurs...

Want to ask a question about solopreneuring?

Somtimes I get asked stuff about how I run my life and business. If the answer has value to other people, I post it here.

If you have a question, submit it below and I’ll notify you if it’s published.

If I don’t know the answer I’ll ask someone who does.
I hope this is valuable to my audience.

Things people ask about 👉

  • Lifestyle business model
  • Running a solo business
  • Freelancing
  • Design
  • Branding
  • Sales
  • Lead generation
  • Conversion
  • Automation
  • Systems
  • Business policy
  • Mindset
  • Skills

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