Real questions from real freelancers

"How do I keep raising my prices?"

"How do I keep raising my price?" - 6 figure Freelancing Q&As
I always try to operate from a position of surplus in terms of leads, where I only take on four clients per quarter.
That’s one per month.
And the reason for that is…
One, I want to put out good quality work.
Two, it sounds big headed, but I’ve got enough money. What I don’t have is enough time. I don’t want more money. I want more time.
Three It creates scarcity which allows me to put my prices up incrementally every quarter,
because there’s going to be someone that will pay more money, so you can turn away bad fit clients more comfortably.
Introducing scarcity also makes it easier to sell.
People can smell desperation in the sales call.
If you have confidence and operate from a position of surplus,
Then you can pitch to people who are decision makers,
people who will take or leave your offer.
People get results, so long as people get good value from it then you can pitch with confidence.
And that’s when you send them the onboarding link and you say to them:
I’ve got two spots remaining, this is how you sign up.
First payment, that’s what secures your spot in the work queue.
So once you have a surplus of leads,
Scarcity of supply
and urgency in your offer…
Then you can continually increase your prices, without fear of losing clients.

Asked by

Picture of Anon



Answered by

Picture of Nicholas Robb

Nicholas Robb

Founder, Design Hero
Author of Life by Design

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