Step 1

Remember: Life is short and then you die.

I have this tattooed on my arm.
Some say it’s morbid.
For me, it’s a powerful reminder:

Don’t let life just happen to you.
Your daily routine = your life.
Plan it, design it, live it.

If you’re ready to change the direction of your life right now,
watch my free 10min training on how to redesign your life,
& build a lifestyle business with 💵 profit, ⚖️ stability & 🕊️ freedom
Step 2

If you're ready...
you can take my mini course on lifestyle design

Did this resonate with you?

If you want instant access to the 1st module from Life by Design

If you feel like life is just happening to you,
If you feel like you are treading water,
If you are fed up of hustle culture…

I’ll walk you through the exact steps I followed
to redesign my life & build a lifestyle business that earns £20k/m on a 3 day workweek.

Claim your exclusive offer

  • “Five lives” lifestyle design training
  • “Grand goals to Daily Actions” framework masterclass
  • 6 figure Solopreneur Schedule design workshop
  • Daily, weekly, monthly accountability framework
  • My step by step roadmap to a 6 figure business on a 3day workweek

By the end of the module you'll...

✅ Have the plan you need to steer your life in the direction your want.
✅ Reverse engineer your ideal lifestyle, & break it down into repeatable daily actions
✅ Break down the daily routine I use for profit, stability & freedom.
✅ Steal my framework to half your workweek without losing productivity.
✅ How to plan in years but keep yourself consistently on track daily, weekly, monthly
✅ How to build automated systems to free yourself from the busiwork
✅ So you can scale a solo business to 6 figures without burnout.
🎁 PLUS 1-on-1 access usually reserved exclusively for 'Systematic Solopreneur' students.

Exactly what you get

🟢 Video training - An introduction to lifestyle design
🟢 Lifestyle Design training- reverse engineer your ideal lifestyle
🟢 Workshop - 6 figure solopreneur schedule guided walkthrough — 45mins
🟢 Template - 6 figure solopreneur schedule worksheet — worth £20
🟢 6fig Systems Masterclass - How to run a Lifestyle Business on autopilot — 45mins worth £100
🎁 1on1 access - clarity call with me — 30mins worth £200

Available only on this page
£320 £98
LP guarantee

If you don't get value from this training, workshop and template, email me your receipt & I'll give you a full refund and you can keep the resources

The Life by Design newsletter has been life-changing for me in my journey from being a directionless new business owner to a focused solopreneur. The advice I needed to read at that moment has always magically landed in my inbox, how do you do that? look forward to continuing to receive your valuable advice that helps people like me find our way in a world of noise and claims of overnight success.

testimonial steve baker
Steve Baker

digital solopreneur

Hi Nick, really appreciate your wisdom & encouragement.

I’m on a mad journey of discovery, finding out about myself, what I’m capable of doing and most importantly what I enjoy doing. After decades of helping others to achieve their goals and get rich, I’m doing something for myself and my family, and I’m loving it. There’s loads that I should be doing but I’m not stressing about it and will do it when ready.

Your Life By Design newsletter has been life-changing for me.
The things I needed to read at that moment have always magically landed in my inbox, how do you do that? Haha

testimonial steve baker
Steve Baker

Digital specialist solopreneur

Life by Design is such a valuable resource!

I have read the linked articles, they are spot on… I loved that you break your recommended readings into lists, including what NOT to read 😂 I personally am not a huge fan of email newsletters cluttering my inbox, but I signed up for yours  since your blog is such a treasure 💎

testimonial cara
Cara Arendt

Freelance Graphic Designer

I wasn’t able to make the Floxies workshop you gave on Wednesday, but I watched the video.
It took me all day to get through the hour and a half because I took copious notes.

I think it’s the best presentation I’ve ever seen on professional growth.
Your approach is grounded, honest, very well considered, and motivating.
I appreciate so much that you have distilled your years of learning and trying things into something that can work for other people.

What I was most struck by is the amount of reflection in your system;
reflection is in every step and lens.
I’m so busy trying to gain traction that very seldom do I stop to reflect,
except to acknowledge that something isn’t working and that I need to try something else.

Today I’ll be making an appointment with you (via Calendly) to have a chat.
I’d love to hear your thoughts about my website and the ways I could be a better freelancer.

testimonial emma sottardi
Emma Sottardi

UX Designer

Nick is a breath of fresh air  I can’t wait to work with him in the future.

Nick is one of few coaches/consultants who genuinely cares about seeing people succeed and passing on his wisdom. From the free advice received, I’ve been able to make actionable changes to my business and I’m 100% sure we’ll be working together in the near future!

testimonial ben scott
Ben Scott


You most definitely earn the title of Design Hero, hands down.
Every suggestion is a gem, I can’t make the updates fast enough – and I’m not even done yet.
Any designer looking for an honest, no messing about portfolio review look no further, this is your guy.
It’s by far the best audit I’ve received to date. Grateful beyond words. Thank you Nicholas

testimonial claire young
Claire Young

Senior Designer

Nicholas is the goat of systems, he knows how to systemize stuff so you can minimize time working on repetitive tasks in your business to enjoy life instead.

testimonial nejc
Nejc Jamscek

Ghostwriter, Creator

Nick is excellent! He’s knowledgeable, has lots to share and wants to see others do well.

He’s going about freelancing the right way and is well worth following if you want to do the same.

testimonial orwell

Brand Designer

Oh man thank you so much for the audit!! Really great feedback and I am going to make those changes.

testimonial alana
Alana Hutcherson

web designer

I feel way better when it comes to organization and pressure in general.
Also, Trainees are doing great!
I found my guy, I think I already mentioned it to you.
One project is nailed – and I already have more projects waiting in line for him!
I’m working with one guy almost constantly.
To be honest, I worked on a project recently by myself and I realized that my days are numbered when it comes to hands-on work haha 😄

testimonial ivan stankov 1

Motion Designer

Yes!! Inbound prospects 90% already landed.
I’m still not doing outreach, it’s just inbound projects coming and going 😄
I had a pretty funny situation recently. Potential clients reached out to me through ONE LN post – a work that I’ve shared. I realized how powerful LN actually is.

testimonial ivan stankov 1

Ivan, motion designer

Wow, read your article and I felt like you were talking directly to me and the way I currently feel.

Definitely subscribing!

testimonial pete clark
Pete Clark

Digital Nomad

The best newsletter in the game.
Excited for this one, Nicholas.

testimonial ikramul


Nicholas has lived it.
He is constantly solving the puzzle of building freedom as a solopreneur and he puts the work in to achieve it.
His newsletter is the playbook and filled with stories to help you on your solopreneur journey.

testimonial colby wegter
Colby Wegter

Agency coach

Hey Nik! Just wanted to share with you. I got 2 leads from LinkedIn! They came from a post I made. I already scheduled one meeting. 💪🏻

testimonial niklas isberg

Brand designer

The sessions are good value and you provided awesome information. Your delivery is class 👍
Over the years I have read so many books & courses, I was looking for a magic bullet that doesn’t exist, to transform my whole life in 12 weeks
This is something at 43 I am now working towards resolving.
I have started getting things out my head (so simple, but so powerful) which lets me focus on that next one thing that takes me a step forward.
I’m not getting overwhelmed anymore… with consistent effort, I’m finally putting into action some of what I’ve learned and I can see the benefits already.

testimonial craig


Nicolas is an adept designer and life coach who really cares about the people he helps. found out about his coaching services and checked out his schedule template.
With it comes a video of him explaining how it works and why it’s divided up the way it is.
I’m admittedly nervous about creating a schedule because my life is so hectic,
but he assured me that the purpose isn’t to have a perfectly scheduled week and to keep to it rigidly, but to know exactly how to get back on track when things (inevitably) go off the rails.
also took him up on an offer to audit my Linkedin profile and website.
His recommendations were thoughtful and spot-on with what I needed to do.
Haven’t implemented all the changes yet, but I plan to follow all of his great advice when things slow down again.
When it comes to design, he was brutally honest (but kind) and love that he was,
because that’s the style of communication I do best with.
Would absolutely recommend Nicholas for anything related to design, coaching, or organization.
He’s a stellar, diligent, and knowledgeable guy – 5/5 stars for sure!

testimonial jen
Jen “the Pen” Wallace


Thank YOU! That video was super helpful and I still need to implement most of it
I greatly appreciated your willingness to take extra time to give me feedback on my website
I know I’ve benefited from both your organizational skills and design expertise.

testimonial jen
Jen “the Pen” Wallace


Everything’s going great, still have a lot of stuff to go through.

The retainers are going great, I’ve started outsourcing things which was my goal from the start.
One project is nailed – and I already have more projects waiting in line!
I feel way better when it comes to organization and pressure from work.
All in all, a lot of stuff that we talked about, I’m starting to see a huge change just now.

testimonial ivan stankov 1

Motion Designer

You’re a breath of fresh air on this platform mate 🙌🏻 appreciate all the knowledge and advice

testimonial ben scott


Hey just wanted to say that was awesome! Found it so useful I’m definitely gonna implement these systems.

testimonial jonathon 1
Jonathon Bismark

3D visualist

Thanks so much, it all makes sense. Great outcome, great delivery!

testimonial jade

Small Business Community

WOW! this is so freaking great, SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE. I will re-play again just to see what important notes I missed. so glad I connected with you.

testimonial vlad esplana
Vlad Esplana

Web Designer

Highly recommend this, Nick makes it super simple to understand the actions to take, can’t wait to set it all up!

testimonial rachel
Rachel Mess

Freelance web designer

I collaborated with Nicholas and revamped my LinkedIn profile. I love it. I’m making changes this weekend.

I’d love to send a rock-solid testimonial as you helped bring laser focus and revamp my LinkedIn profile.
Your video feedback provided me with clarity, and now my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and content stand out more than ever before.

Nicholas’s coaching skills and direction come highly recommended. Give him a try—you won’t regret it!

testimonial codrut

SEO solopreneur

Thanks for that session, lots of useful info for me to action.
It definitely ticks my 3 F’s … freedom, fulfillment and financial.
My head actually feels a little lighter. One thing at a time, progression not perfection.

testimonial craig
Craig Holland


This is the best perk from such a knowledgeable teacher. Tons of valuable lessons DIRECT from a successful agency owner. Thanks for sharing.

testimonial paolo abagar
Paolo Abagar

Web Developer

Watching this content again, had to pause it just to tell you just how buzzing I am about it. Super excited for moving forwards!

testimonial carmen hamill 2
Carmen Hamill

Graphic Designer

Super helpful, I have so many good changes to implement. I hope whoever reads this checks it out as well.

testimonial paul powers
Paul Powers

Podcast Host

My head feels like it’s exploding! It’s a great system, you’ve given me so much to think about. This first session alongside all your support by e-mail and the worksheet are totally worth £98!

testimonial patrick
Patrick Grossman

Professional Coach

Understood my goals, took me through baby steps to help me grow and grow. Has the right instincts to take this business to 7 figures.

testimonial martin gibbons
Martin Gibbons

CEO, Marketing

It definitely has given me focus and given me clarity on where I need to start. Already further along than was yesterday. I’m feeling Positive, optimistic and excited.

testimonial craig
Craig Holland

Craig Holland

You helped sharpen my value proposition. I like the practical, hands-on-the-job explanations. The replies on my Qs afterwards were very supportive. Thanks for this great support.
I feel good after the first session and have enough stuff to think about & work on.

testimonial patrick
Patrick Grossman

Professional Life Coach

I already feel the benefits mentally, feeling less stressed and more motivated with more focus and direction, due to gaining some clarity with how and where I want the business to go, along with ideas of how to move forward, and I think I will soon see benefits financially as well, once I’ve put everything in place and then start scaling it up.

testimonial carmen hamill
Carmen Hamill

Graphic Designer

Your workshop was jam-packed with info, by sharing screen and showing how you set up your own systems. I came away feeling there’s a lot of systems I can put in place to make projects go smoothly, and seeing this in action was super helpful. I can organise my business better and know that this will get me closer to my goals!

testimonial rachel
Rachel Mess

Freelance web designer

I loved what you said. I was doing it the usual way because everyone does it that way. But after I felt WHY am I still working this way, it’s so dumb!?

testimonial liz
Liz Heinberg

Brand Specialist

It’s a constant struggle!
RE Today’s meeting Man, that was the best advice I’ve ever had. Literally gold!
Thank you so much!
testimonial niklas isberg
Niklas Isberg

Graphic Designer

Thank you so much! I really valued our session today. Sales has always been something I struggle with and avoid. You’ve helped me tackle the beast!

testimonial niklas isberg 3
Niklas Isberg

graphic designer

Since I stopped trying to do everything,
It’s actually been better!
I don’t stress!

When I don’t focus on too many things,
I actually earn more money AND have more time!
I’m not putting pressure on myself.
Just narrowing down and go slowly.

testimonial ivan stankov 2
Ivan Stankov

Motion Designer

The coaching helped me focus on my next steps and what needs to be done. It helped me cut out all other distractions... focus on that one thing and then move on to the next one thing. Small continuous effort which really helps stop me feeling overwhelmed. It helped me cut out all the clutter and different ideas I had. Now I can spend time on the things that will move me forwards.

testimonial craig holland
Craig Holland


I’ve always had the mindset of a solo freelancer. Nick has helped me move into being a sales studio. Thanks so much for the breakdown, makes total sense.

testimonial ollie hooper
Ollie Hooper

Motion Designer

It’s rare to find such well-written, good content online. Also, I am a sucker for well-designed sites. Fab job.

I’ve been reading lots of your content, the articles provided solid inspiration, thanks Nicholas!

testimonial kieran howe
Kieran Howe

Director, Oddness Studio

I’ve learned a lot through the journey, you have to adjust your life accordingly, it’s not all about money…I’m so glad to have had a call with you, generally, big coaches don’t give their time for these sessions.

For the amount of followers, the quality of content you’re putting out is crazy good the systems you’re sharing make a lot of sense!

testimonial adnan mallick
Adnan Mallick

Data Analyst

I do think it’s been worth it.
For me, I always felt like a busy fool,  jumping between tiny jobs not making any money.
The potential was to earn a LOT more.
I’m now working smarter rather than harder.

It’s a lot to take in, so getting a summary after each session of what we have done was so useful,
I’ve referred back to it so many times when I felt I was off track.

I’m out of my comfort zone,  but I’m more focussed,
see now, I’m feeling more confident,
I’m starting to get calls.

I feel all the things we’ve talked about is going to continue.
I feel there’s lots of improvements that are going to make a difference in the long-run.
I feel more professional, I’ve got more brain space for doing the actual work.

So Yeah, I do think it has been worth it and I’m feeling quite good about going forwards.

Thanks so much, Nick I appreciate all your help!



testimonial carmen hamill
Carmen Hamill

Graphic Designer

I think I was way too stressed I couldn’t make it the way I wanted to.

But I have to tell you about one successful story from last week, she contacted me so I sent them the link for the zoom call…

We talked for a little while one and…I GOT THE JOB

We’re Finnish people so we don’t show our feelings but actually I got three or four other leads as well.

Now I’m doing three different websites. Brilliant! yeah so I now I get to practice more!

This was really good thank you!

testimonial niklas isberg 2
Niklas Isberg

brand designer

Still a lot to do, but from the first session I made huge advancements, in terms of clarification of my whole process.

I knew 70% of the ‘stuff’, but I didn’t know how to apply it, what order to do it, how to actually do it.

I can see now how much stuff I was missing, and how many things I overlooked.

It’s very useful stuff, not just for business, especially the life stuff.

It’s everything else outside the business that’s connected to my life.


testimonial ivan stankov 2

Motion Designer

testimonial bethan